DHIS2 Database Migration/Restoration Process


DHIS2 Database Migration/Restoration Process

This process assumes that the OS is Linux and that you have both the current DHIS2 setup (Will call it “Origin”) and a new/empty DHIS2 instance (Will call it “Destination”) where you intend to migrate data.

Actions at Origin Server [Linux]

Create a sql dump of the current/origin database:

user@origin_server$ sudo su - postgres 

postgres@origin_server$ pg_dump dhis2 -U dhis -f dhis2_origin_db.sql


Copy the sql dump to the destination server. You can use ssh client such as PUTTY/WinSCP or simply use the command below:

user@origin_server$ scp dhis2_origin_db.sql dhis@ destination_server:/home/dhis/

Actions at Origin Server [Windows]

Open Command Line Window

Navigate to Postgres bin folder i.e

cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin

Dump the database using the command below

pg_dump.exe -U postgres -d dhis2 -f D:\Backup\<backup-file-name>.sql

Type password for your postgres user

You may copy the dump file over to the destination server using ssh client PUTTY or on windows command prompt /WinSCP.

Actions at Destination Server

While in destination server, create a new database by invoking:

dhis@Mydhis2$ sudo -u postgres createdb –O dhis dhis2_destination


Create the PostGIS extension for the newly created database

dhis@Mydhis2$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "create extension postgis;"dhis2_destination


Shutdown the newly created dhis2 setup by invoking the command below (this path may vary depending on your setup)

dhis@Mydhis2$ sudo -u dhis /home/dhis/tomcat-dhis/bin/shutdown.sh


Update the DHIS2 configuration file to reflect the newly created database.

dhis @Mydhis2$ sudo -u dhis nano /home/dhis/config/dhis.conf


In the dhis.conf  file, locate the following line:

# JDBC driver connection URL
connection.url = jdbc:postgresql:dhis2



Change this to the newly created database, save and exit the file edit mode.

# JDBC driver connection URL
connection.url = jdbc:postgresql:dhis2_destination


At this point, we are ready to migrate/restore data from the origin database to the new setup.

Invoke the following command:

dhis@Mydhis2$ sudo su - postgres 


Initiate the restoration of the copied database by invoking:

postgres@Mydhis2$ psql -d dhis2_destination -U dhis -f dhis2_origin_db.sql

dhis2_migration: this is the newly created and/or empty database in which we intend to restore data into.

dhis: refers to the database user.


Restart the dhis2 instance by invoking:

dhis@Mydhis2$ sudo -u dhis /home/dhis/tomcat-dhis/bin/startup.sh


You can monitor the Tomcat by viewing the log information, simply invoke the command below:

dhis@Mydhis2$ tail -f /home/dhis/tomcat-dhis/logs/catalina.out


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